Above: Seniors this week can enjoy Bingo and learning to make salsa with mangos. And the ladies can also enjoy a cuppa in a favorite cup. (images posted to flickr, left to right by Marlon E, nessguide, Rebecca Siegel)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. (For more, check the Event Calendar.)
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For the Southborough Library’s regular storytime programs, click here for their events page. For the Southborough Senior Center’s ongoing classes, click here for their calendar.]
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
- Presidential Documents Collection viewing (12:00 – 3:00 pm) @ Fay School, Root Meeting Room, Root Academic Building (parking at 25 Middle Rd): Fay School’s Collection of Presidential Autographs & Documents will be open for public viewing. For details, see dedicated post.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
- Exciting Women’s Circle (10:30 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Senior Center’s social circle for ladies. New members are always welcome. Join them for a tea party. If you have a favorite tea cup, bring it and share why it’s special to you.If you don’t have one, they will have one for you. For more information, call the Senior Center at 508-229-4453
- Nutrition for Life: Salsa (11:30 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Free cooking demonstration series in the center’s new kitchen. Karen White, a registered dietitian, teaches seniors how to eat better. At this session, Let’s do the Salsa, “Learn how to make two easy flavorful Salsas! Salsas are great as a snack for dipping or can be a topping to grilled chicken or fish! One will feature wild blueberries, the other mangoes!” Register by calling 508-229-4453 (limited to 20 attendees)
Thursday, May 26, 2016
- Warbler Migration Bird Walk (5:00 – 6:30 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm – meet in parking lot: Open to beginning and intermediate bird watchers. Try and get a glimpse at some of the spectacular species migrating through the fields and forests of Southborough. Bring your binoculars and bird book and enjoy this guided walk with a staff naturalists. Admission cost: TTOR Member: $5; Non-member: $10
- SOLF Wildlife Survey (7:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: A presentation on how Southborough Open Land Foundation is “using citizen science to learn explore and protect open spaces”. Learn how local volunteers gather data in town and how you can help. For details, see dedicated post.
Friday, May 27, 2016
- Bingo (12:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Come join Lena and Michael Gagliardi for an afternoon of Bingo, fun, prizes and maybe some jokes. The games will start promptly at noon. You can purchase a pre-Bingo lunch for $3 (please sign up if you plan to use that option.) That begins at 11:00 am. Or join them with your own lunch starting at 11:30 am. Please sign up through the Senior Center at (508) 229‐4453.
- Flag placement for Memorial Day (6:00 pm) @ Rural Cemetery, Cordaville Road/Route 85: Residents are invited to participate in placing fresh flags on the graves of our Veterans to honor their service to our nation. VFW Post 3276 and American Legion Post 161 will meet volunteers in front of the Maintenance Building at the back of the cemetery. (The work usually goes quickly, so try to get there on time!)
Sunday, May 29, 2016
- 24 Heroes in 24 Hours (8:00 am – next morning at 11:00 am) @ Pennant CrossFit, 12 Southville Road: Fundraiser for Veterans Inc. being held by Pennant CrossFit. Round the clock Hero Workouts with a recommended donation of $25 per participant. For details, see dedicated post.