Above: Break out the sneakers and join ARHS Cross Country this Saturday (image cropped from photo posted to flickr by by Malcolm Slaney)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this weekend.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
- Cross Country Extravaganza (9:00 am) @ Algonquin Regional High School, Bartlett Street, Northborough: The ARHS Cross Country team is raising funds by inviting the community to join them for a 1 mile or 3 mile run or walk. For more details, see dedicated post.
- First Community Church Sale (9:00 am – 1:00 pm) @ First Community Church, 137 Southville Road: Yard Sale: Rain or shine. Household goods, puzzles, books, clothing, furniture. Plus a Bake Sale.
- Return of the Bobolink (2:00 – 3:00 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm: Come search for one of New England’s most well traveled avian visitors: the Bobolink. This meadow nesting song bird is only found in a few locations throughout the state, Chestnut Hill Farm is one of them. Hear the story of their incredible annual journey from Patagonia, learn they are important indicators of environmental health, then take a walk in the meadow to look for them. Kids are welcome and projects will follow. Bring binoculars if you have them. Fee: Member: $5; Nonmember: $10
- Steeple Cofeehouse (7:30 pm) @ Pilgrim Church, 15 Common Street: Headlining: Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Doors open at 7pm. Please bring a donation for the Southborough Food Pantry. Proceeds from our coffee and dessert purchases go towards local charities. For prices and more details, see dedicated post.