Committee vacancies: Conservation seeking commissioner; Openings for Personnel, Advisory, Public Works Planning, ZBA and more

Several positions on Town committees expire this month. Some members are asking to be reappointed, but others have stepped down leaving vacancies. (And, as of the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting, some had yet to respond one way or the other.)

The Conservation Commission has posted an opening on their website.

The town is looking for residents who have an interest in open space, wetlands and rivers protection, the environment, and stormwater management to fill an open seat on the Conservation Commission.

For the full description, click here. To learn more about the commission, click here. And to apply, click here.

For the most recently posted information on Town committees and boards with expiring seats, click here. (Discussion at the more recent Zoning Board of Appeals meeting provided an update on two of their seats. They will be asking the BOS to move Jeff Walker up from alternate to full-time member. That would leave an alternate seat vacant.)

Most of those positions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. To express your interest in volunteering, click here. (This isn’t limited to vacancies. Based on discussion at the last BOS meeting, it seems that expiring seats of members who want to be reappointed could be up for grabs if there is competition for it.)

With three vacancies under the newly elected Town Moderator’s appointing authority, I wondered what his process would be.

At Candidate’s Night, Stephen Morreale had pledged to make the appointment process more transparent. I reached out to him to find out how he planned to handle his vacancies. He asked me to post the following:

Hello fellow Southborough citizens,

In the past 10 days, I have learned of 3 openings for appointment for the coming year.

1 Open Position – Personnel Board
1 Open Position – Advisory Committee
1 Open Position – Public Works Planning Board

Each of these positions carry 2 or 3 year appointments by the Town Moderator. If you are interested, please direct an e-mail to me with your interest(s) along with details of your relevant experience. I can be reached at I will reach out to discuss the positions.

Thank you,

Steve Morreale
Town Moderator

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Donna McDaniel
8 years ago

All the info to help you find out about the committees with vacancies (and others, too) is
on the town’s still-new website: See last item below for a FASCINATING addition….!
You can see all the committee members, a description of their responsibilities, and read their agenda to get a sense of what their work is… AND you can check the activities of the various town departments.
FOR EVERYONE… YOU CAN PAY YOUR BILLS… water, r.e. tax, etc. on the site from the comfort of your own desk.home.couch….
There are SCHEDULES for recreation programs and events, and of course oodles of info about our schools–the teachers, the programs, the calendar, etc.
AND THE MOST FASCINATING…I kid you not… a video that follows our recyclables through the process at the recycling facility where the items are sorted into plastics, cardboard, glass, etc., some by hand but also on long moving tables with separators at the end. AND when all is said and done, the compacted plastics are actually sold for a profit to China! Really… who knew? It’s narrated by E.L. Harvey… the latest member of the family whose name is on the trucks we see.
Highly recommended and don’t wait till you’re snowed in…watch soon. Recyclers will be proud!

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