Back in May, I shared news of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church’s annual VBS (Vacation Bible School) camp. Some of you may have missed it. So, here’s a reminder.
The church is holding camp the week of August 15th for pre-K to entering 5th grade. This year’s theme is “Cave Quest”.
The annual camp is run by CORI-checked adults and younger helpers. (Which means, the church can always used volunteers middle school and older.)
Here are the details:
All kids in preK up to those entering grade 5 are invited to join in a fun week of games, science discoveries, Bible stories, skits, snacks, music and more at St. Mark’s church Cave Quest VBS. Our program runs for one week only (August 15-19) from 9am -12:30.
Don’t miss out on this action-packed day camp. We will also offer an optional craft club each day for those who want an artistic opportunity.
Tween party on Thursday after camp for kids age 8-12.
Kids do not have to be affiliated with St. Mark’s church or Southborough residents to attend this VBS program. All are welcome.
Our camp is also very affordable. Cost is $50 for one child, $85 for two kids, $110 for three kids and $135 for four children.
Register for camp by June 1 and you save $10 per family off the cost of camp. This fee includes all activities plus a camp t-shirt and a water bottle.
We are also seeking MS and HS volunteers and CORI checked adult leaders. Call the church office at 508-481-1917 for more information or contact Melissa at