If your middle school child is stressed out, he/she is hardly alone. It can be a difficult time for children faced with more responsibilities and changing social scenes.
Southborough Youth and Family Services is looking to help kids manage their stress. The agency is offering special after school sessions for Trottier students.
The classes will be split by gender. The series begins this fall and repeats next semester:
We are offering a 10 week session after school for Trottier students to assist them in dealing with stress of all kinds. The class will include some information about coping skills, time management, study skills, and developing positive peer relationships.
We will be running two separate 10 week classes; one for girls and one for boys.
We plan on offering the same class again during the second half of the year in case students aren’t available during the first half.
Space is limited in each class and any interested participants should be in touch with us no later than Friday, September 30th for session 1 and Friday January 20th 2017 for session 2
For the class schedule, click on the thumbnail below.