Above: Don’t look for Selectmen or Planning at the Town House tonight. The forum on Flagg Road safety will be held at Cordaville Hall, aka the Senior Center. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. All these meetings are open to the public, so you’re welcome to stop on by.
Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.
Monday, September 12, 2016
- Northborough – Southborough Superintendency Union #3, 4:00 pm @ Margaret A. Neary Elementary School, Office of the Superintendent, Conference Room (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discussion on District Goals and Initiatives
- Board of Selectmen, 6:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Forum to discuss safety study conducted for Flagg Road – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Planning Board, 6:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Participation in Board of Selectmen’s forum to discuss safety study for Flagg Road – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
- Open Space Preservation Commission, 9:00 AM @ Recreation Office, South Union Building 21 Highland Street (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Thayer Lane, Boswell Lane, and Killiam Farm & Pine Hill CR status
- Board of Trustees Southborough Library, 6:00 pm @ Southborough Library, Downstairs Meeting Room 25 Main Street (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Director evaluation
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
- Southborough School Committee, 6:30 AM @ P. Brent Trottier Middle School – Library, 49 Parkerville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Main St sidewalk project presentation, Updates on feasibility studies on Solar and Kindergarten; second readings of new policies on School Committee Meetings and Toll Calls
- Economic Development Committee, 7:45 AM @ Recreation Office, South Union Building, 21 Highland Street (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discussion of citizen petitions for Special Town Meeting on eliminating Use Variance and rescinding the Industrial Development Commission.
- Personnel Board, 8:00 AM @ Southborough Town House, Hearing Room, 17 Common Street (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Approve pay rates for part-time Election Workers and Library Assistant; job description for Planning Department; staff performance evals
- Board of Health, 1:00 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Room A, 9 Cordaville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: RFP for 3-yr Sanitary Inspector contract; position on major infrastructure Town improvement projects
- Advisory Committee, 7:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Presentations and discussions of Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles (all except Main Street project)
Thursday, September 15, 2016
- Conservation Commission, 7:30 pm @ Southborough Town House, Hearing Room, 17 Common Street (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Presentation on Main St redesign
*Southborough Access Media will broadcast tonight’s forum live on Verizon-37 and Charter-192.
I wasn’t able to stay for the entire Flagg Rd safety meeting. Anyone have a brief wrap up of how things ended up? When I left there was a clear desire from the public to allow the planning board to pursue outside legal. It was also clear that the BOS had to do something regarding the access to Flagg/Dearfoot and the Park Central development.