Above: Children sculpted clay at the Saturday Art Workshop last winter. This weekend, the drop in craft offers another chance to sculpt. (photo by Beth Melo)
Editor’s Note: In my weekly listing of events in town, I included the wrong details for this weekend’s Saturday Art Workshop. Please take note of the change.
This weekend, the library is resuming it’s Saturday Art Workshops series. Workshops are run by town art instructor Lanting Huang-Truong of Bigelow Center for the Arts.
Normally, a drop-in craft program takes place about once per month. It is geared for 5-9 year olds, but siblings are welcome.
That does apply to this weekend’s event – sponsored by The Friends of the Southborough Library.
This Saturday, September 24th from 10:30-noon, kids can learn to sculpt dragons out of clay. (Although, knowing Lanting, if kids’ imaginations prod them to sculpt something else – that’s welcome, too.)
The following Saturday, October 1st, is a special workshop that requires pre-registration.
From 10:302-12:30 kids are invited to make 3D jellyfish. (Feel free to bring an umbrella to use in the craft.) Participants will then be invited to join Bigelow Center for the Arts in the Heritage Day parade on October 10th.
(I know, I know. I’m overdue on posting info about this year’s Heritage Day. Stay tuned for more on that tomorrow.)
To sign up, contact the Library’s Children Room desk at 508-485-5031.