SCAC: Cultural arts grant applications due by October 17; seeking new members

Southborough Cultural Arts Council is looking to fund more programs  in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences. They are also seeking new members.

SCAC’s priority is funding programs, organizations, and individuals from Southborough and surrounding communities. Again, Southborough visual artists are especially urged to apply.

Last year, 12 grants were awarded by SCAC and 15 the year before. The new round of opportunities is for programs or performances in calendar year 2017. Applications must be postmarked by October 17, 2016.

Here is there message, including their request for more hands on deck to help their efforts: 

The Southborough Cultural Arts Council (SCAC) is currently accepting grant applications, postmarked October 17, 2016, for programs in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences. Funding programs run by organizations and individuals from Southborough and surrounding communities is a priority. We urge Southborough visual artists to apply for these funds, which are provided by the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Local Cultural (LCC) Program.

Last year, the SCAC awarded 12 grants, which provided funds to the Southborough Recreation Department’s Summer Concerts, the Southborough Library’s purchase of a telescope, the Algonquin Rhythm Ballroom Dance Team and Club, and variety of other programs including musical offerings.

The SCAC is part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Local Cultural Council (LCC) Program, which funds thousands of local cultural activities. The group is seeking new members to join our seven current members: Jennifer Hansen, Kristina Dobberpuhl, Louise Clough, Kerry Stgermai Trippi, Jane Keller Gordon, Mary Simmons, and Jane Leshiewiski.

If you have a program you think is worth funding, visit for details and links to their application form.

It may seem like seven members are more than enough for the council to do its job. But joining helps lay groundwork to continue running smoothly next year, since most of their current members terms expire next fall.

And the Massachusetts Cultural Council advises that a large CAC membership is advisable:

to achieve the diversity of knowledge, interests and backgrounds that will translate to strong community representation. A larger body also helps to share the work load and ensures that councils can still function effectively in case of absences or vacancies.

If you are interested in joining the group (or learning what that entails) email

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