Above: The Heritage Day sale is traditionally the Friends of the Library’s biggest fundraiser. But it relies on community help. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
The Friends of the Southborough Library are getting ready for their big Book and Bake Sale on Monday, October 12th – Heritage Day. We are seeking volunteers and donations to help.
(We’ll also need lots of customers – so save the date! It’s an easy one to remember. The sale will be open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.)
Have some great books that you’re done with? Or ones that you’re kids have “outgrown”?
It’s not too late to clear your shelves and bring them in. (You’ll need the space for the new ones you buy at the sale.)
Those of you with baking talent may consider donating something to our annual Bake Sale.
(Wait. Scrap that. You don’t need talent. Use the cookie dough rolls if you have to. Or pick something up from the store.)
We could use cookies, cupcakes, brownies, muffins, quick breads, whatever. If you or your family would buy it, then bring it on in! (If you plan to contribute something, please email friends@southboroughlib.org. Then you can drop off contributions either that morning or in the library on Saturday.)
We are also seeking volunteers to help on the day of the sale.
Ideally, we are looking for volunteers in two hour shifts: 8-10, 10-12, 12-2, or 2-4. (But, if you can’t commit to two hours, we’ll take less.) Anyone willing to take a shift, please email djmtremblay@verizon.net.
Friends’ funds are used to support a variety of programs for all ages. We also provide resources including free/discount passes to 14 area museums and venues.