Right: School administrators are bringing in an expert to guide parents on helping kids strategize and manage their homework so it doesn’t become overwhelming (image posted to flickr by Kristine Lewis)
Do you sometimes feel like the only way your kids will do any of their homework or studying is by you standing over them, nagging at them what to do?
Or do your kids procrastinate, then try to cram in work or studying right before a deadline?
If so, you’ll want to save the date for this talk!
The school district has invited parents to its next presentation in their Educational Speaker Series. This one focuses on strategies to help kids set goals and manage their own school work.
Educational Consultant Linda Gross will provide insight and answer questions.
The free talk is next Monday, November 14 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. It takes place in the Trottier Middle School auditorium:
Practical Strategies for Establishing and Managing School-Related Goals at Home
Parents often try to strike the balance between helping their children with schoolwork and fostering independent learners.
We know that school-related tasks include more than simply completing homework. Before tackling an assignment, students need to consider when it is due, set priorities, gather materials, and reference resources.
This seminar will outline how parents can work with their children to set goals using a problem solving mindset.
Participants will learn how metacognition and executive function play a part in the goal setting process. Further, specific practical strategies will be shared with a focus on managing time and resources.
Through this approach of parental support and guidance, students can find academic success and build social-emotional skills.
Sounds to me like the talk might be good for more than helping my kids. Maybe it will help me manage my own goals more efficiently!