How Southborough voted

Based on the outcomes of elections, versus the ballots cast in town, you can expect a lot of Southborough voters are in the dumps this morning.

As you must know by know, Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. And, as you probably guessed, the majority of Southborough voters supported Hilary Clinton.

And while most Southborough voters sought to keep marijuana illegal, state voters overruled them.

Here are how votes broke down in Southborough, based on the “unofficial results” shared by the Town Clerk’s office.

82.4% of Southborough’s registered voters participated. Voters ratified uncontested elections for U.S. Representative Katherine Clark (D) and State Representative Carolyn Dykema (D).

Presidential Candidates
58% – Clinton and Kaine (D)
31% – Trump and Pence (R) (winner in national election)
5% – Johnson and Weld (L)
3% – other
2% – blanks
1% – Stein and Baraka (G)

State Senator
51% – James B. Eldridge (D) (winner in state election)
36% – Ted Busiek (R)
10% – blanks
4% – Terra Friedrichs (Cooperative Green Economy)
0% – other

Question 1 – Allow Issuance of Additional Gaming License
Southborough – No (67%) Yes (39%)
Mass – No (61%) Yes (30%)

Question 2 – Allow 12 New Charter Schools
Southborough – No (55%) Yes (43%)
Mass – No (62%) Yes (38%)

Question 3 – Restrict Confinement of Animals
Southborough – Yes (76%) No (22%)
Mass – Yes (78%) No (22%)

Question 4 – Legalize Marijuana
Southborough – No (53%) Yes (46%)
Mass – Yes (54%) No (46%)

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You Know Who
8 years ago

How sad that Massachusetts as well as Southborough people still voted for Hillary Clinton. I feel badly that so many are deceived and given over. We pass the legal use of Pot – Weed – THC, and we refuse to shoot down the unions and send more money to successful Charter Schools to save the inner cities – even though the plan takes only $5000 per child (not the full average $13,000 per child the public schools receive) from the failing public schools. So sad, so embarrassing, and if you say leave, we will eventually move to a swing state where our votes matter. God will take care of the rest.

Frank Crowell
8 years ago
Reply to  You Know Who

Complete agreement. Biggest losers in MA yesterday were kids in failing school districts. They will be living the very definition of insanity while unions will tell you it only due to lack of money. Dems and RINO’s will happily throw more money at the problem. I am done with supporting any MA politician and will send money to like minded candidates or institutions that support charter schools in other parts of the country.

8 years ago
Reply to  You Know Who

Very sad, indeed. I appreciate the sympathy and kind, unpatronizing words. Clearly all Trump supporters across the country were just so much better educated, so thanks for sharing your expert knowledge on the clear-cut, black and white issues of our state. New Hampshire only has 4 votes, so I hope you enjoy your move to Wisconsin.

8 years ago

Can someone please explain how question 4 will play a role in the new pot shop on 9?

8 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Rob, I might stand corrected but believe they can now sell both medical and recreational. I did in fact vote no myself but I believe the people that voted yes will be very disappointed with the poor way this question was written even if the wanted to smoke their dope.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rob

I believe there are two things that apply to medical dispensaries.

First, they are given preference in licensing for recreational sale.

Second, if the state hasn’t granted any licenses by January 1, 2018, then all medical facilities are immediately granted the right to sell recreational marijuana. This second provision is to guarantee that the state doesn’t block things by just dragging the process out for years.

I do believe that cities/towns can vote to keep recreational sales out, so I believe we could essentially block the local medicinal dispensary from also turning into a recreational one if we chose to.

8 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

I believe you are correct Beth.

Donna McDaniel
8 years ago

Since we’re finding sad things about election day…how about the fact that only 82.4 percent of the people who could have voted in this town actually did get themselves to the polls. Yes, not as bad as those who don’t participate in local elections but for all the great sentiment about our country and our individual rights, that almost two our of 10 people did not vote–an unsatisfactory number—especially given this particular election with such intense interest and so many ways to see and be inforned about the candidates for ourselves.
And for those who might have been away — there were the possibilities of absentee ballots or several pre-election voting days the week before at the Town House.
Maybe some didn’t like either major candidate (we’ve heard that, too) but at least express a view by taking a ballot and marking blank or “other” and still giving your opinion on other offices or the questions….
We can only hope that those who didn’t vote will refrain from making negative judgements about the votes of those of us who did exercise a right we like to call precious.

Mark Ford
8 years ago

I’m more of a “glass is 82% full” kind of guy. That sounds like an awesome turnout!

Donna McDaniel
8 years ago

I’d have to check but my memory of working in many other “Presidentials” were more often in the 90s…but I’ll check Town Reports and I wasn’t the only one surprised.

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