Right: Friends of Southborough Youth and Family Services are again collecting gift cards to help families in need through the holidays. (Image posted to Flickr by One Way Stock)
Every year, Southborough families generously donate to the Holiday Giving Program.
Gift cards are collected by the Friends of Southborough Youth Commission. The Town coordinates getting them to families in need over the winter holidays.
The program is run by the Friends of SYC and Southborough Youth and Family Services. They are expecting to again help at least 40 families with children that are struggling this holiday season.
Donations in any amount are appreciated, and will be used for food, clothing and other needs for local families experiencing financial hardship. The deadline is December 9th. You can drop off donations in collection boxes in the Southborough public school offices or in the Town House’s locked drop box (in front of 17 Common St).
SYFS shared the following message:
Southborough Youth and Family Services, with support from Friends of the Southborough Youth Commission, is preparing for this year’s Holiday Giving program.
Although so many residents of Southborough are fortunate enough to have plenty during the holiday season, there are some among us who barely have enough to make it through the week. There are many reasons why families find themselves in staggeringly difficult situations but there is one thing that they all have in common: children.
Because of the severely limited resources these families face, the children are at risk of having a very insubstantial holiday. For some, it means nothing at all. When bills are due, medicines are needed, groceries are necessary and all the incidentals required to live, Christmas is sadly the last thing on a family’s list.
It is for this reason that we arrange our Holiday Giving Program to quietly provide necessities and gifts to families in need. We confidentially work with families to learn what necessities are lacking such as groceries, gas, and medications. We also find out a few specific gifts that would otherwise be unattainable to bring holiday joy to the children. We have been lucky to count on a number of wonderful donors over the years to fulfill those family’s wants and needs but as is normal, a few of our donors are no longer able to support our program. With over 40 families in need of assistance, we need as many community helpers that we can find.
Please consider making the families working with Southborough Youth and Family Services a part of your holidays. Your generosity will bring so much happiness to families during what can be a difficult season. To become a donor, please contact Shannon Kinayman via email (skinayman@southboroughma.com) or leave her a voicemail message (508-481-5676); she will contact you as soon as possible.
Tax deductible donations can also be made to Friends of the Southborough Youth Commission at 17 Common Street.