Above: Library teacher Jean Donolan reads to pre-schoolers at a stop on her StoryWalk earlier this fall. The public is welcome to enjoy two new stories this month. (contributed photo)
If you’re spending time downtown tomorrow with your kids, swing by Woodward to walk through a story.
In October, I shared that one of Southborough’s elementary school Library teachers set up a temporary StoryWalk® at Finn School. Recently, she completed one at Woodward and plans to complete a new one at Finn this afternoon.
At Woodward School, students and the community can follow a marked trail to read laminated pages from the picture book Winter is Coming by Tony Johnston.
Teacher Jean Donolan put up the display before Veteran’s Day. But, she tells me “gale force winds that followed got the best of the velcro”. Yesterday, the illustrations were reinstalled and secured. The display will continue until December 16th.
Her StoryWalk® at Finn School will take kids through The Mitten by Jan Brett until December 21st.
The picture book trails are funded through a grant from the Southborough Education Foundation.