Above: Looks like the weather reports have convinced the Superintendent that school isn’t in the forecast for tomorrow. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
The official call went out. Southborough parents have been sentenced to a long day stuck indoor with the kids tomorrow.
Fingers crossed that we don’t lose power/wifi/cable!
There’s no public school in Southborough (and Northborough) tomorrow (Thursday, February 9th). That means the Senior Center and any other program that mimics the school’s policy is also closed.
It’s the first snow day of the school year. (Previous storms only resulted in school delays or weekend disruptions.) It moves the last day of school to Tuesday, June 20th.
I’ll try to update you later on the Town House, Library, etc. But – I wouldn’t try heading to any of them without making sure they are open first. (And don’t expect to hear from me too early in the morning. I’m planning to sleep in!)
Updated (2/8/17 8:05 pm): I got the word that both the library and townhouse will be closed due to the weather tomorrow.
That means that tomorrow night after night will have to be rescheduled. Look for the author of “Not Just a Recipe” to visit the library in May with a focus on food appropriate for Mother’s Day.