Special Olympics recruiting Southborough teams for a Polar Plunge – March 4th

Special Olympics MA is looking for Southborough residents to jump into fundraising this winter.

So, what’s “cooler” than taking part in an ice bucket challenge? How about a “Polar Plunge” fundraiser?

On March 4th, Special Olympics MA is holding one in neighboring Marlborough.

As many families know, Special Olympics MA sponsors programs in our town. And many of our students are involved in their Olympic events. So, naturally, they are hoping our community will help raise funds.

In reaching out to Southborough, they are hoping to recruit any of the following for teams: church youth groups, youth sports teams, adult sports teams, simply residents, or even town departments.

polar plunge flyer
(click to enlarge)

The plunge is apparently into an above ground pool. But barring an unexpected heat wave, early March waters promise to be frigid.

Which is why some people who want to help out may not be willing to plunge more than a pinky. Fortunately, that’s an option.

I’m serious.

The event website states:

On Plunge day we’ll have a pool set up and you have two options – be a Plunger or a Pinky Plunger! Plungers brave the cold New England weather and hurl themselves all the into the icy cold water on Plunge day. Pinky Plungers take a slightly less aggressive approach and just dunk their pinky finger. Perfect for our younger Plungers in Training or anyone who wants to say they plunged for Special Olympics Massachusetts but doesn’t want to put their whole body in.

You can also be a “Virtual Plunger/Chicken” by donating without jumping. But those options aren’t really what the spirit of the day is about.

Organizers pitch their call for volunteers to “Be a Below Zero Hero”: 

Make the Commitment!
polar plunge (photo from fundraiser website)Commit to jumping into the icy, cold water this winter and you’ll be committing to help provide nearly 12,000 athletes with an opportunity to participate in programs that help them live a longer, happier, healthier life through sports programs.

By committing to the challenge, you commit to raise a minimum of $100 for the cause. (Or $75 for students.)

They also encourage participants to have fun with their team’s attire:

polar plunge costume contest (from fundraiser website)I am Committing to (at least think about) Dressing for the Occasion!
Ask the veteran Plungers and they will tell you the costume contest is almost as important as the Plunge itself – almost! Get your creative juices flowing and come up with a great costume for your team!

The schedule for March 4th is 9:00 am registration, 11:00 am plunges, and an afterparty. The fun takes place at Special Olympics MA Headquarters, 512 Forest Street, Marlborough.

To sign up or learn more, click here.

If you do sign up a team, let me know at mysouthborough@gmail.com.

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