Stress/Putting kids on the path to success – Monday, April 3rd

Left: An expert on helping children overcome stress in order to learn is coming to our district. His presentation is for all parents. But, parents of kids with Learning Disabilities/ADHD will want to take special note.

The Northborough-Southborough school district is continuing efforts to educate parents.

The district’s speaker series is geared towards giving kids the tools they need to succeed in school.

The final presentation in this year’s speaker series focuses on stress. Dr. Jerome Schultz will explain a method to overcome “toxic” stress to help children “become the masters of their own academic destiny”.

The presentation is meant to help parents across the district. But for the second time this year, the speaker brings an expertise in helping children with Learning Disabilities. Schultz has published a book on helping kids with LD/ADHD handle the stress of school.

The upcoming presentation to parents is titled “STRESS: The Breakfast of Champions – How to Put Kids on the Cusp of Competence and on the Path to Success”. It will be given in the auditorium at Algonquin Regional High School on Monday, April 3rd from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.

Earlier this year, the school brought in an expert to explain “Practical Strategies for Establishing and Managing School-Related Goals at Home”. Speaker Linda Gross was an expert on Language Based Learning Disabilities. She focused on helping kids manage their workload. (See video below.)

Screenshot wilkins presentation resiliancy
(click to open pdf)

Last month, another speaker focused on “The Interface of the Brain and the Mind on Resiliency: How to Use Biological and Psychological Principles to Help Children Strive for Success”. (See presentation right.)

On April 3rd, Dr. Schultz will advise parents on changing kids’ mindsets:

This cartoon-laced, stress-reducing presentation will examine the protective role of stress in the lives of all kids and adults, and how one’s perception of competence can move the needle from “good” stress to “toxic” stress.

We’ll take a non-threatening visual journey into the human brain to gain a better understanding of the neurobiology of stress and how it gets out of balance. Then, we’ll see why many kids with Learning Disabilities and ADHD are in a state of chronic stress that actually impedes learning and memory in a way that goes way beyond the initial effects of the LD/ADHD. We’ll also examine adults’ reactions to certain “negative” behaviors that might actually be the protective response to chronic stress.

Dr. Schultz will talk about his DE-STRESS Model of intervention, an approach that’s been very effective in teaching kids how to become the masters of their own academic destiny. This simple, but transformative model can help kids turn brain-shrinking (really!) toxic stress into the fuel they need for productive, effective learning. We’ll take a very practical look at the language we use with kids, and how to change mindsets and learning trajectories.

About the Presenter: Dr. Jerry Schultz has served as the Consulting Neuropsychologist for the Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough for the past eight years. He’s a former public school teacher, now on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and a frequent presenter at conferences across the US and abroad. He’s the author of a book about stress called “Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School, And What we Can Do About It.” He also writes a blog on the Huffington Post and has an active following on Twitter. (for more information:

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