Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. All these meetings are open to the public, so you’re welcome to stop on by.
Editor’s Note: The Board of Selectmen meeting is being held tonight rather than their normal Tuesday night slot. (Due to scheduling issues.) Unfortunately, Southborough Access Media only has staffing to cover that meeting tonight. So, if there is something on the Planning Board’s agenda you’re concerned about seeing, you best head to the Senior Center/Cordaville Hall this evening.
On that note, it’s time for a shout out to SAM for all the great work they’ve been doing covering as many meetings as they have for the Town. It’s been an invaluable service to people who want to keep up with what’s going on in our Town government.
Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.
Monday, April 3, 2017
- Americans with Disabilities Act Committee, 10:00 am @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Update on public meeting tools for the hearing impaired; Report on Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings Bylaw; Discussion: Tracking ADA violation complaints
- Northborough – Southborough Regional School Committee – Superintendent’s Curriculum Advisory Committee, 4:30 pm @ Algonquin Regional High School, Principal’s Conference Room (F108) 79 Bartlett St, Northborough (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Presentation and discussion with Dr. Jerry Shultz on “Stress: the Breakfast of Champions – How to put kids at the cusp of confidence and on the path to success” (his presentation geared to parents takes place that evening)
- Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee, 5:45 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Vote to buy 10A Fitzgerald Lane for resale as affordable housing
- Board of Selectmen, 6:00 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda with packet) Agenda Highlights: Decision on Bartolini Removal Hearing; Review Town Meeting Warrant Articles and discuss positions; Chapter 61A Notice: Potential Sale of 2 Chestnut Hill Road – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Southborough Planning Board, 7:00 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda, materials packet) Agenda Highlights: Public Hearings on Adaptive Historic Reuse of Historic Buildings Bylaw, Recreational Marijuana bylaws, and Cain’s Crossing site plan and development; Vote to establish Deed Research Subcommittee
- Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings Bylaw Subcommittee, 7:00 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Public Hearing on Adaptive Historic Reuse of Historic Buildings Bylaw at Planning Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Economic Development Committee, 7:45 am @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda)
- Personnel Board, 8:00 am @ Southborough Library, Eaton Room 25 Main St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Several performance evaluations; final proposed Salary Administration Plan
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee, 9:30 am @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss resale of 10A Fitzgerald Lane
- Youth Commission, 7:00 pm @ Fayville Village Hall, Conference Room 42, Central St (agenda)
- Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings Bylaw Subcommittee, 7:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Advisory Committee discussion on proposed bylaw
- Advisory Committee, 7:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Presentations and discussions on Article 34 (funds to hire Historic Preservation Planner), Community Preservation Articles, DPW and Recreation budgets & funding; vote on budgets and Warrant Articles
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
- Recreation Commission, 7:00 pm @ Recreation Office, South Union Building, 21 Highland St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Stewardship’s Breakneck Hill CPA Application, Fayville Playground Project, budget
*Southborough Access Media will broadcast the BOS meeting live on Verizon-37 and Charter-192. Click here to see this week’s schedule with rebroadcast times. (Videos are also usually made available through their YouTube channel by the following morning.)
(Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)