Above: Popular speaker, Chronicle reporter, and author Ted Reinstein returns to the Southborough Library this Thursday. This time he’ll entertain with stories of fascinating feuds. (image left is a Reinstein posted selfie from recent talk at another library)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. (For more, check the Event Calendar.)
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For the Southborough Library’s regular storytime programs, click here for their events page. For the Southborough Senior Center’s ongoing classes, click here for their calendar.]
Monday, April 10, 2017
- Meet the Finn Principal Finalist (10:00 – 11:00 am) @ Finn School: Varsha Desai, finalist for the Finn principal position, will be touring and visiting the school. This is one of two opportunities for parents/community members to meet her.
- Meet the Woodward Principal Finalist (10:00 – 11:00 am) @ Woodward School: Steven Mucci, finalist for the Woodward principal position, will be touring and visiting the school. This is one of two opportunities for parents/community members to meet him.
- Senior Shred Day (1:00 – 4:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: E. L. Harvey and Sons, Inc will be coming to the senior center parking lot to give us the opportunity to shred all those unwanted household papers & documents you have hanging around. Pull in the parking lot and there will be an area that will be dedicated and sectioned off with cones. Your papers can contain staples. (Paper only.)
- Meet the Woodward Principal Finalist (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Woodward School: Steven Mucci, finalist for the Woodward principal position, will be touring and visiting the school. This is one of two opportunities for parents/community members to meet him.
- Meet the Finn Principal Finalist (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Finn School: Varsha Desai, finalist for the Finn principal position, will be touring and visiting the school. This is one of two opportunities for parents/community members to meet her.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
- Author night: Ted Reinstein (6:30 – 7:30 pm) @ Southborough Library, Main Level: New England is as dotted with colorful and fascinating feuds as it is with low stone walls and big, red barns. And many of them go back just as far! For instance, did you know that the Breeds and the Bunkers are still fighting over a hill? Or that the revolution is still being fought—by Lexington and Concord?! From the colonial era, through early aviation to Red Sox-Yankees and present-day food fights, Ted Reinstein tells us who’s really “Wicked Pissed” in New England, and why. Followed by Q&A, and book-selling/signing.
Friday, April 14, 2017
- No Public School in Southborough: Good Friday kicks off this year’s spring break. School doesn’t resume until April 24th.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
- Easter Egg Hunt (10:30 – 11:30 am) @ Community House: Southborough Kindergroup’s annual egg hunt. This year, the fee is $5/child or $10/per family – with proceeds to help rebuild the Fayville playground on Central Street. Payment will be “at the door”, so no pre-registration is necessary. Families should bring their own baskets so kids can collect “eggs” with candy inside. The event begins at 10:30 am for posing with the Easter Bunny. (Be sure to bring your camera for a snapshot!) The “hunt” begins promptly at 11:00 am. For details, see dedicated post.
- Music with David Garden (11:00 am) @ Southborough Library, Children’s Room: David Garden from Music Together will be at the library with music that’s just right for toddlers and preschoolers. All are welcome to dance and sing along! Drop-in, no registration required.