Above: Can’t make it to Trottier tonight? Follow what’s happening via twitter or watch it live courtesy of SAM. (photo by Beth Melo)
Final reminder – Annual Town Meeting is scheduled to open at 7:00 pm tonight.
Of course, I know that not everyone can make it out – especially all 2-3 nights. So, I’ll be live tweeting from the Trottier Middle School auditorium this week. (Follow that here.)
But that’s not the only way to keep up. Southborough Access Media will be broadcasting live. You can view that on Verizon Ch 37 & Charter Ch 192, or on their streaming website.
Of course, you can’t weigh in on any of the important votes from home. So if you’re really interested, hopefully you can join us there at 49 Parkerville Road.
For more details on the meeting see the following links:
- My most recent overview
- Coverage related to ATM Warrant Articles
- Coverage related to STM Warrant Articles (the Special Town Meeting from March to be concluded within tonight’s meeting)