Letter: Lisa Braccio for Board of Selectmen

[Ed note: My Southborough invited each candidate for a contested position in the annual town election to submit a letter to voters.]

To the Editor:

Thank you for providing a wonderful forum for our citizens to share their view points and the opportunity as a candidate to further introduce myself as well as share my vision and thoughts.

I was asked by a few citizens last weekend at the Transfer Station why I thought I was qualified to be Selectman. It was interesting to me how many people knew me through one facet of my contributions in town or another. To one, I was the Founder of Care Packages for Troops, to another a member and current Chair of the Open Space Preservation Commission and Vice Chair of the St. Marks Golf Course Master Plan Committee, and to others Room Mom and volunteer from school. These varied facets are what gives me the experience to be an effective Selectman to all of Southborough’s citizens.

I bring varied experiences that have enabled me to work with diverse groups of people, see issues from different viewpoints and have a successful track record of bringing people together to achieve a common goal. I have a background in business and finance that will be an asset as the Town faces the implementation of the large capital projects recently approved by Town Meeting.

I have served the Town proudly for 12 years on the Open Space Preservation Commission, 5 years on the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Southborough Emergency Planning Committee (SEPC), St. Marks Golf Course Master Plan Committee, Founder of Care Packages for Troops, volunteered with the Council on Aging to address their needs and numerous roles within the Southborough Schools.

I have been recognized at the National, State and local level for my commitment to public service. I was honored to receive the Commanders Award for Public Service in 2014, it is the 4th highest public service decoration to a civilian from the United States Department of the Army. I have also received accommodations from the Governor, Senate, House of Representatives, Congressmen, Department of Veterans affairs, American Legion, VFW, Marine Corp. League and the Boy Scouts of America. I proudly was one of 100 women recognized by the State as an Unsung Heroine in 2009.

As a 16-year resident of Southborough, I have seen a lot of changes over that time in the political climate, how we interact with each other as citizens, Boards/Committees and the frustration and mistrust some of our citizens feel toward our Town Government. Earlier this year I sat on the St. Marks Golf Course Master Plan Committee, and heard repeatedly that there was no other forum for our citizens to be heard or questions answered on how the process transpired. I believe as Selectman I can improve on that situation for future projects.

I decided then that I would run for Selectman to rebuild the trust many feel is lacking. As elected officials we work for you, the taxpayer, while you may not always agree with the decision made, you should always walk away from any dialogue with your public officials knowing that you were heard, acknowledged and respected. I will bring a positive change to that process by establishing better lines of communications between town residents and our Board of Selectman.

This also applies to our inter-committee and board communications, important decisions need to be made with input and knowledge of all relevant town entities. Diversity is key for appointments going forward, but first we must work harder to get volunteers to fill the vacancies on our Boards/Committees and Commissions. I pledge to work with all boards/committees and commissions to implement processes that are fair and better serve all facets of our community. Our Town is better served when we are working cohesively together and not in a silo fashion. I have a solid understanding of town departments having collaborated with the Planning Board, Conservation Commission and the Recreation Commission on various projects.

In the near future Southborough will be undertaking several large and complex projects, including the Main Street reconstruction and Public Safety Complex. It is imperative for the success of these projects that Southborough’s citizens have trust in the Board of Selectman to listen to them and work for them.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to share my qualifications with you, I hope you will support me on May 9th and I look forward to working to bridge any disconnect and be a voice for you, our citizens.

Thank you,

Lisa Braccio

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louise barron
7 years ago

Lisa Braccio and Sam Stivers are probably 2 of the most qualified candidates running for Selectman positions. Their dedication, honesty, and reputation have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. It’s time the town was presented with fresh, new ideas to benefit we the citizen taxpayers and finally had a voice. In with the new.

7 years ago
Reply to  louise barron

ok… that makes my decision much easier

7 years ago

Thank you for running, Lisa. I worked with you years ago in just one of the roles you’ve mentioned above and know that you are knowledgeable, reliable, honest and that you operate “above the fray”. I think you would make an excellent selectman and am grateful that you would even consider it given all the ugliness we’ve seen lately. You have my vote and support.

Lower Ted Lane
7 years ago

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Lisa for a few years now, and I’m delighted that she’s running for a selectman’s seat. She has my confidence and obviously my vote.

Freddie Gillespie
7 years ago

Lisa will be a welcome addition to the Board of Selectmen bringing multiple skills to provide leadership. As the Open Space Preservation Commission representative and Vice Chair of the St. Marks Golf Course Master Planning Committee she helped broker the compromise deal where St Marks Golf Course will be the new location of the Public Safety complex while allowing 54 acres to be preserved for a golf course and open space. She has a proven track record of bringing people together. She founded the Care Package Drive for Troops after seeing a news report on the needs of troops overseas. She shepherded the movement to enlist the help of over 75 volunteers, the contributions of multiple organizations (schools, churches, scouts and a major grocery store chain) and ship over 9000 boxes overseas! That shows real leadership Skills. As a small business owner Lisa wants to help the business community to thrive. And as a mother she wants the best educational system possible. Let’s not forget her work with fire and police and the seniors. Lisa has volunteered in many capacities in town and now it is time for us to reap the benefit of her knowledge and skills and elect her to the Board of Selectmen

Carol Gay
7 years ago

I also support Lisa to become one of our Selectmen. She has taken on many responsibilities in town and has become knowledgeable as to how our town government works. Her goals of greater transparency and getting boards and committees to work together are ones that our town needs to follow the goals of our town in our master plan. I see her as a consensus builder, too. She is a doer and will be an asset to our board! Please vote for her tomorrow!

louise barron
7 years ago

Please encourage your friends to vote for Braccio, Stivers and Hegarty. Call 10 folks to get out and vote

Dick Tibert
7 years ago

My congratulations to Lisa. She cane across very impressively at Candidates Night. Her performance showed a great deal of strength and determination with very little, if any, criticism of the times.

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