Don’t forget to vote today – May 9, 2017

The annual Town election is today with polls opening at 6:30 am. (Click here for details.)

I’m planning on keeping this post at the top of the page today – at least until polls close at 8:00 pm. So, scroll down for more recent posts.

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Matthew Brownell
7 years ago

I voted for both Sam Stivers and David Parry.

Sam – the Sr. Statesman of utmost integrity and credentials, and Mr. Parry – the brilliant, quick-witted, and thoroughly capable satirist – who would provide a much needed infusion of oxygen to a Town Government – so sorely in need of new leadership and fresh, accountable representation.

7 years ago

Thanks Matthew, this explains a lot.

Mark Ford
7 years ago

I’m voting for Sam Stivers and Jim Hegarty…unsure of where my 2nd Selectman vote will go, if anywhere…as to Jim, he’s doing a terrific job. And I echo many of the accolades for Sam–honest, bright, thorough, dedicated. Good luck and thanks to all for running.

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