Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. All these meetings are open to the public, so you’re welcome to stop on by.
Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.
Monday, May 15, 2017
- Planning Board, 6:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda, materials packet) Agenda Highlights: Hearings on Cain’s Crossing, Chestnut Meadow, & Ken’s Food; discussion on upcoming court hearing on motion for sanctions (Note: most recent revised agenda cancels the hearing on Stonebrook Village and the discussion of Killam Farm & Pine Hill roads open space) – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Public Safety Study Committee, 7:00 pm @ Southborough Fire Department, Conference Room, 21 Main St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss project next steps
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
- Board of Selectmen, 6:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda with packet) Agenda Highlights: Joint meeting with Southborough Housing Authority RE: DHCD Tenant Election Regulations; Draft Charge for Public Safety Building Committee, and Appointments to Public Safety Building Committee – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Southborough Housing Authority, 6:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Meeting with Board of Selectman to discuss appointment of Marianna Surette. Immediately following, they will reconvene for a brief meeting in the hallway.
- Public Safety Study Committee, 6:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Attend BOS meeting to discuss next steps for Public Safety Facility Meeting
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
- Zoning Board of Appeals, 6:00 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Park Central appeals – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Northborough – Southborough Regional School Committee, 6:30 pm @ Algonquin Regional High School, Library 79 Bartlett St, Northborough (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Election of Officers, Update on Principal search, School Choice vote – Broadcast live and replayed by NCAT**
- Combined meeting of School Committees, 7:30 pm @ Algonquin Regional High School, Library, 79 Bartlett St, Northborough (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Election of School Committee & Union officers, Superintendent Evaluation, School Physician Contract, feedback on calendar and communications surveys – Broadcast live and replayed by NCAT**
Thursday, May 18, 2017
- Community Preservation Committee, 7:00 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: The committee will be gathering input from the general public as part of the CPC’s evaluation of the community preservation needs of Southborough. An overview of the Community Preservation Act and the process to apply for CPA funds will be presented.
*Southborough Access Media will broadcast the Planning Board, Selectmen, and Zoning Board meetings live on Verizon-37 and Charter-192. Click here to see this week’s schedule with rebroadcast times. (Videos are also usually made available through their YouTube channel by the following morning.)
**Northborough Cable Access Television will live broadcast the meeting on Verizon-29 and Charter-194. (Note: The meeting will eventually be rebroadcast. But expect to wait several days before a time and link are posted to NCAT’s schedule.)
(Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)