Above: Have old electronics or bikes collecting dust? This weekend’s recycling event is an opportunity to offload them. (Images: left contributed; right posted to Flickr by rynosoft)
This weekend, St. Anne’s Church parking lot will host special recycling events. While it’s not a church run fundraiser, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the parish.
The event will run on Saturday, August 5th, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Here are the details with recycling fees listed:
Electronic and Appliance Recycling
- TV’s 15-35, monitors – $10 ea
- Glass monitors, flat panel monitors, etc – $10 ea.
- AC – $15
- Refrigerators..$20-$25
- Other appliances: dishwashers, dryers, stoves, micowaves, dehumidifiers, refrig., AC, exercise equipment, lawn mowers, small engine items, snow blowers, lawn mowers, etc. – $10 ea.
- Other electronic items with a plug: computers, scanners, copiers, DVD players, stereos, lighting, etc – $5 ea.
- Scrap/Junk Metal….$10 car load
- No Fee: cables, keyboards, cell phones, car batteries
Bicycle Recycle Day
- No fee
- Unwanted old or new bicycles: Mountain, Road, BMX. Cruiser, old/new, kids, etc.
- Our aim is to keep bikes from being thrown out when they can be reused.
- If you are unable to bring a bicycle, please call and we will arrange a time and pick it up.
Any Questions: Please contact Dennis Wood 508-277-7513 denwaynewood@yahoo.com