Above: Parents can opt to be included in the Southborough schools’ print directories, online version (via web and mobile device apps), both, or neither. It’s also time to select which version(s) to buy.
The SOS (Southborough Organization of Schools) is about to print and launch the directories for the new school year. Directories list families of students in Southborough public schools Pre-K to grade 8.
That means the time for adding to or changing listings is now. The deadline is this Friday, August 25.
Families new to the school system should click here and reference Join Code: SOSdirectory.
For those in the directory last year, who still have a student in PK-8 this year, it’s not just a chance to update your information. It’s also the time to change how you opt in or out of the printed and/or online directories.
If you don’t do anything, your family contact information will automatically be listed the same way as last year.
(Though, students’ listed grade will move up by one. And if class/homeroom teachers were listed last year, those will be omitted this year unless you update the names.)
If you are returning parents, you should be receiving an invitation to confirm your data and purchase access or a print directory for this school year. If you haven’t received that, you can prompt the system to send you your personalized link.
Simply click here to visit this site, then enter your students’ last name and email address. A prompt should ask if you want the link emailed to you to check and update your status. (If you have any issues or questions, you can email Sosdirectoryonline@gmail.com.)
Once you have confirmed your details online, another screen will invite you to make directory purchase(s). Pricing is $4 for online access, $8 for print copy, or $10 for both.*
You can also purchase sweatshirts while you are at it – or make a donation.
According to the website, what won’t be able to buy this year is the SOS directory.
If you’re looking for those dates and activities, check out my post from the other day. It lists the beginning of year activities, each schools’ early dismissals, teacher conferences, holidays/breaks and more.
Still, my calendar doesn’t track all the minor events the SOS directory used to list. (Like 6th grade dance lessons and Spirit Days.) For that level of detail, you will have to consult each school’s online calendar.
*I personally recommend buying both. The online access is great for looking up on the go, or by first name – since many kids don’t know their friends’ last names. But during the summer when the directory is offline for updating, the print version comes in handy!
Updated (8/23/17 8:27 am): I inserted the deadline – August 25th – which I confirmed with organizers this morning.