Above: Fay School’s Ideas&Insights series of expert presentations for parents continues this fall with bestselling author Ron Lieber.
[Editor’s Note: Parents interested in getting expert advice may also want to mark September 18th for a keynote hosted by the Northborough – Southborough School District: “Reducing Anxiety in Children”. Click here to learn more.]
How do you talk to your kids about money? And what do your choices say to your children about your values?
According to New York Times columnist Ron Lieber, speaking to children about money can be an emotionally fraught topic for parents of all income levels. Through his bestselling book, and through a talk next week in Southborough, Lieber seeks to help parents have the right conversations.
Fay School is again inviting all Southborough parents to their Ideas&Insights series. Next week, they are bringing in Lieber to discuss how to talk to kids about money.
Lieber is the “author of “Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money”. Not coincidentally, that’s also the title of his presentation next Tuesday at Fay.
The focus is beyond being fiscally responsible.
As adults, what we spend, how we save, and where we give says a lot about who we are. Every question that our kids ask — from how much money we make, to why we live where we live — is an opportunity to impress our values upon our children. [Ron Lieber] will walk parents through all of these conversations and explain when to have them and what to say.
The Fay talk will include the basics “allowance, chores, phones, and college”. And Lieber will advise on raising children better at managing money and avoiding financial traps. But the real focus is raising kids that aren’t spoiled.
For Lieber, that means having the traits of “curiousity, patience, thrift, modesty, generosity, perseverance, and perspective”. According to the author, money is an important teaching tool to that end.
The event will be held Tuesday, September 19 at 7:00 pm, followed by a book signing in the book store. The presentation will be in the Root Meeting Room, located on first floor of Root Academic Building. Parking is available in Fay School’s Harlow Circle. Please use the East Entrance at 23 Middle Road.
For more details, see the Fay School Ideas&Insights page.