Above: Every year, a surprising number of runners celebrate the Gobble Wobble by sporting fun Turkey Day hats. (Photo by Chris Wraight)
11 years ago, Friends of Southborough Recreation launched the “Gobble Wobble”. Now, each year over 1,000 locals flock to run the 5K or strut their stuff through the 2 mile walk. And many kids whoop their way through the free Fun Run.
Since the event always takes place on Thanksgiving, it would be silly to tell you to “save the date”. But, for those of you who like to get in shape for the 5K, I like to share a friendly reminder around this time that it’s coming upon us.
The Registration is at 7:00 am that morning* with the 5K run and 2K walk starting at 8:30 am. Babysitting will be available onsite again this year. (Though, you can usually find babies in backpacks or kids in jogging strollers in the race.)
The kids fun run kicks off at 9:30 am.
For more details and to sign up, click here.
And click here for a great photo gallery of the 2016 Gobble Wobble.
Remember, this is a fundraiser. This year, in addition to supporting Friends of Rec, a portion of the proceeds will go to supporting the project to build a new playground for Finn School.
So, even if you aren’t interested in running, you can offer support by volunteering. To sign up, click here.
*As usual, pre-reg pickup is also available the day before from 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm at the Trottier Middle School Gym.