Above: Friends of the Southborough Library are inviting adult patrons to join them for their 2nd annual potluck fundraiser (image posted to flickr by Southwestern Adventist University)
The Friends of the Southborough Library are holding a special fundraiser this month. The Library After Hours Covered Dish Dinner will take place after Library hours on Monday, October 30th, 6:00 – 8:30 pm.
With your generosity the Friends will continue to grow the list of programs, authors and guest speakers that enrich our community life.

The event is again geared to bring together adults in a fun, social setting to support the library.
(Kids aren’t banned. But, the Children’s Room will be closed and no entertainment is planned for kids.)
It’s a potluck, so each attendee/family is requested to bring a dish. (People whose last names start with A through L are asked to bring an appetizer, salad or side dish and those whose last names start with M through Z are asked to bring a main dish or dessert.)
Beverages and paper goods will be provided by the Friends.
Participants are asked to make a donation to the Friends (suggested a $5 per person or more). It’s also a good opportunity to join the Friends or renew your membership.
If you plan to participate – please register, and let them know the type of dish (appetizer, salad, side dish, main dish or dessert) you plan to bring. Also include your contact information (email, text or phone).
Sign up by emailing skiess2@verizon.net, calling Sandy Kiess at 508-494-5034 or filling out registration forms available at the Library.