Letter: Bill Boland for Selectman

[Ed note: My Southborough invited each candidate for a contested position in the special town election to submit a letter to voters.]

To the Editor:

I am honored to have served Southborough for many years. I served as a Selectman for nine years and as Chairman of the Board for 3-1/2 years. I have been an elected Commission of Trust Funds for over six years. Some of my other experience includes:

  • Advisory Committee
  • Capital Budget Committee
  • Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee
  • Master Plan Committee
  • Zoning Advisory Committee
  • Metrowest Regional Collaborative Executive Board
  • Worcester County Selectmen’s Association
  • Southborough Emergency Management Committee

If elected, I believe my knowledge and work ethic will allow me to be an effective Selectman for the next year and a half. I ask for your support on Tuesday November 7th to fill the unexpired term of John Rooney


I’m a fourth generation resident. My wife Caitlin and I have three children who all attended Southborough and Algonquin Regional High Schools. I’ve watched Southborough’s population more than double. Farms have disappeared, becoming housing developments, traffic has increased dramatically and new businesses continue to be attracted to town. Despite this, we have still been able to maintain the rural character that attracted many residents to our community.

We have a tremendous school system and are a desirable location for being able to commute to our jobs. Future development proposals are inevitable. It is up to us to try to properly manage that development and preserve our character and history. 


Sound fiscal management and oversight will be extremely important as we move forward.

  • Requests to increase our budget will continue to grow. We all pay a lot in taxes. It is very important to thoroughly examine future budget requests and make sure they are justified. We need to find ways to continue to provide the levels of service residents expect without making it more unaffordable for people to live here, especially Seniors.
  • The Public Safety/Golf Course project is the largest in Town since our new schools. We need to make sure that all eyes are focused on proper management and oversight.
  • The Main Street Reconstruction Project is expected to start in the Spring of 2018. We need to make sure that this project goes as planned without delays or cost overruns.
  • We have a great school system. It attracts many of our residents to live here. We need to work with the School Committees and Administration to keep costs down while continuing to provide a great education and programs. The schools account for the highest allocation of our tax dollars. While projections show lower attendance numbers in the future years. it is important to realize that a lot of homes being sold in town are by families whose children have graduated from High School. Too many have told me they don’t want to pay the high taxes anymore since their children are out of the school system. Families that are buying those houses have school aged children.
  • I believe we are falling behind on funding the capital needs of the Town in favor of operational budgets. I have always been a strong proponent of making sure we dedicate a proper amount of our budget toward capital expenditures. I would work toward correcting this.
  • As our population continues to age we need to find more affordable housing opportunities for our seniors and empty nesters. Let’s work toward keeping people in town and being able to afford it.

Why vote for me

In my previous nine years as a Selectman, I believe I have a strong record of voting on issues that were in the best interest of the Town. We improved operations by giving more authority to the Town Administrator for routine items. We started a new streamlined budget process with a goal of providing more information to the residents in advance of Town Meeting. We established sound fiscal policies and procedures and provided our Finance Team and Department Heads with clear expectations for budgets that keep tax increases to a minimum. The way the Town currently operates is far more efficient than it was years ago. We realized substantial cost savings by working with our employees to reduce insurance and benefit costs which significantly lowered our OPEB, or post employee benefit costs. We also established and contributed to a Trust Fund to set aside funds which can only be used to pay costs associated with these benefits. Hard work paid off and our Municipal Bond Rating was increased to AAA by Standard & Poors.

I have a good working relationship with most Department Heads and other Boards and Committees. I have worked closely with officials from many of our neighboring towns. I have also worked closely and effectively with our local legislators, Senator Eldridge and Representative Dykema. I know how our government works, have participated in all aspects of it, and will serve you effectively if elected.

As a Selectman, I will listen to the opinions of you our residents. It is discouraging to see how few people attend public meetings, however, I’m encouraged when so many people tell me they watch our meetings on television. I always try to make time to speak with our residents as many would rather share their opinions privately in person and not via letters and email.

Thank you for your support. I ask for your continued support to elect me to once again serve you as a Selectman on Tuesday November 7.

For more information see facebook.com/billboland2012 or email me at boland2012@verizon.net

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