Letter: Doriann Jasinski for Selectman

[Ed note: My Southborough invited each candidate for a contested position in the special town election to submit a letter to voters.]

To the Editor:

My name is Doriann Jasinski and I am seeking the open seat on the Board of Selectmen because I believe that through the Board I will be able to better serve my community in a more effective manner. I have proudly served this town as a volunteer for almost 24 years. I have managed and led major fundraisers for the schools, am the Founder of the Southborough Education Foundation, Served as Chair of the Scholarship Committee, worked our Elections as a Warden and am currently the Vice-Chair of Advisory.

I have been given commendations for community service by the State Senate, the State House, The Governor of MA, and Veterans Affairs. I have also received commendations from the US Army and was awarded the Freedom Team Salute Award and the Patriotic Civilian Service Award for my work on the Troop Drives which I co-chaired. I was also chosen as one of the Top 100 Women in our State to be recognized as an Unsung Heroine in 2011 for my community service.

My life has been dedicated to my family and my town. Both of those priorities are very important to me. Through the Selectmen’s position my hope is to bring back a sense of unity to our town. For so long we have had many issues which seem to be dividing us. We need to all work together for one common purpose: OUR COMMUNITY!

I am the right person for this position because I will listen and hear your voices. I have no personal or hidden agendas, no affiliations with any group. My sole purpose for running is to serve you the taxpayers and do what’s best for our community. In saying that three thoughts come to mind:

  1. Our Seniors: The seniors have meaningful contributions to the community in terms of support and as a taxpayer base. Consideration of the benefits from programs and services along with facilities for this group should be prominent as we establish the town’s priorities. Helping them will only benefit all of us.
  2. Respect: Too many issues exist today where we have inner fighting within our own committees, boards and commissions. The disrespect shown to fellow committee members and the public is concerning. I would like to help bridge this gap. Remember, we are setting the example for future generations.
  3. Third: Flagg Road. We need to be pro-active as a town to protect the neighbors who live in this area. Although the uncertainty of Park Central looms over them and what impact that will have on this area of town, the safety of the streets is a prominent issue now. We need to create a study committee to look at the concerns by neighbors. Some have suggested that we remove trees and stone walls to widen the road. I ABSOLUTELY disagree with that solution. There must be a better way to correct the neighbors’ concerns.

As a resident of our town for almost 24 years I have seen a great deal of development and positive growth in our community. This development and growth has also stressed resources and caused some conflicts as we consider options. It has also expanded our need for investing to maintain our environment, to have high quality playing fields, to support our schools, for our town facilities and for community centers. The Board of Selectmen must consider the diversity of our town, must seek to provide complete transparency in our decision-making process and must respectfully listen to all groups as we make our decisions.

As a Selectman, I will bring enthusiasm, energy and respect for others to the role. I will bring more diversity to the viewpoints of the committee. I will seek input from the community, our town committees, appropriate experts and our town officials as we consider any proposals as these proposals move to the decision points. I will work to build a consensus through my relationships with a broad range of groups in the community.

This is a wonderful community and we must support our Seniors, our recreational community, our environment and the culture of “Being Southborough”. We have the means and the capacity to achieve these goals and to do them in a timely and affordable manner. We also can maintain the charm of a small town while pursuing projects that beautify our town and protect our environment.
I offer the town a centrist, collaborative and more diverse mindset as a long-time resident, but provide a new voice among the Selectmen. I am asking for your vote on November 7th. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Doriann M. Jasinski

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