Woodward “Green Team” asks for your vote to win outdoor garden

Woodward School’s the Green Team, is vying to win an outdoor garden and a picnic table made of recyclable materials. They are asking for you “votes” to help.

The Green Team was formed in 2016 as an after school club for the school’s 2nd & 3rd grade students. The group was granted some seed money to get started by the Southborough Community Fund. The founders’ pitch explained the primary benefits:

improving the health literacy of our children regarding the environmental impact of our waste and the benefits of reducing, reusing, recycling, composting and growing, yields to the secondary gain of expanding this knowledge to the parents, teachers and community as a whole. Hopefully we will see the amount of trash decrease with increased recycling and smarter consumption.

The group was successful in capturing student interest. Now, they are seeking to win the outdoor garden for the team’s use. Last I heard, the team was in 8th place. They’re hoping MySouthborough readers can help them move up.

The Terracyle contest asks people to vote daily for the school they’d like to see win the prize. Click here for the site. Below are contest details:

Tom’s of Maine® and Hannaford® are giving schools that are participating in Hannaford Helps Schools the opportunity to win an outdoor garden and a picnic table made from 100% recycled materials! The participating school that wins the most votes between September 1, 2017 and November 28, 2017 will win the Grand Prize.

To cast a vote, you may enter the school name, town, or zip code in the field below. You may vote once per day. One of the best ways to earn votes is to generate awareness in your community and encourage others to vote for the school of your choice.

If you need help earning votes, remember to share your efforts on social media! Be sure to share the school’s name and the link to this page.

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7 years ago

I just saw this and voted. It tells me we are #8. C’mon everyone! If you vote just once or twice (you can vote once a day) it would help. I don’t have any kids at Woodward but I am happy to help, it only takes a minute. Imagine how excited the kids would be to win this.

7 years ago
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