Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. All these meetings are open to the public, so you’re welcome to stop on by.
Be aware that changes to the meeting schedule are known to happen throughout the week. For an updated list of meetings, visit the town website.
Monday, December 11, 2017
- Public Safety Building Committee, 6:00 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Review & possible vote on Value Engineering proposals and cost estimates; Joint Meeting with Planning Board for public hearing on site plan
- Golf Course Conservation Restriction Committee, 7:00 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B , 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Public forum for explanations to public, and questions, and recommendations from public
- Historical Commission, 7:00 pm @ Historical Society Museum, 25 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Public hearing on demolition permit for home and garage at 33 East Main St. Under the Demolition Delay bylaw for historic properties, this hearing is to decide if the home and/or garage should be preferentially preserved. (Here is the link to the assessor’s Property Card)
- Golf Course Committee, 7:00 pm @ DPW Conference Room, 147 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Recommendations to BOS for RFP on management contract; discuss short and long range planning; current funding position
- Planning Board, 7:30 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Public hearings on public safety complex site plan, 28 Boston Rd development; discuss ANR at 50 Oak Hill Road; discuss 55+ bylaw – Broadcast live and replayed by SAM*
- Historical Commission, 7:30 pm @ Historical Society Museum, 25 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: 33 East Main St potential vote on whether buildings should be preferrentially preserved; 260 Boston Road Oren Nichols house, St. Mark’s Church report on Bell Tower; election of officers
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
- Conservation Commission, 6:00 pm @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discussion on holding Golf Course Conservation Restriction; Approval of Chapter 61 process; public hearings on 17 Oregon Rd, 8-10 Leeds Way, and 28 Boston Rd
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
- Personnel Board, 8:00 AM @ Hearing Room, Town House, 17 Common St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Reports on “sick bank language” and community survey findings on longevity, professional certification, overtime; draft policy on procedure for comp/grade review; Changes to SAP
- Health & Wellness Advisory Council, 8:00 AM @ Algonquin Regional High School, Room D110i, 79 Bartlett St, Northborough (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss the SAPC grant (Substance Prevention Grant)
- Neary Elementary School Council, 3:00 pm @ Margaret A. Neary School, Conference Room, 53 Parkerville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Review of Goals 1-4 of school improvement plan updates
- Woodward Elementary School Council, 3:30 pm @ Woodward Elementary School, Conference Room 150, 28 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: School lunch discussion – concern of several parents about how decisions for lunches are made and proper channels for questions and concerns
- Southborough School Committee, 6:30 pm @ Trottier Middle School Library, 49 Parkerville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Trottier school improvement plan update; MCAS presentation; 2018-19 calendar discussion; FY19 Budget priorities, discussion, and capital plan – recorded for delayed broadcast by SAM*
- Southborough Cultural Arts Council, 6:30 pm @ Southborough Library, Eaton Room, 25 Main St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss grant applications and fote on distribution of funds
- Advisory Committee, 7:30 pm @ Cordaville Hall, Rooms A and B, 9 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Discuss Amended Land Swap agreement between Town and St. Mark’s School; Conservation fund request
Thursday, December 14, 2017
- Northborough – Southborough Parent Advisory Council, 11:00 AM @ Southborough Library, Eaton Room, 25 Main St (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Bi-monthly meeting with district’s Student Support Services
*Southborough Access Media will broadcast the Planning Board meeting live and record the School Committee Meeting for delayed broadcast on Verizon-37 and Charter-192. Click here to see this week’s schedule with rebroadcast times. (Videos are also usually made available through their YouTube channel by the following morning.)
(Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)