Above: As part of a business outreach effort, SPD is looking to update its inventory of equipment that could aid investigations. (image right posted to flickr by Intel Free Press)
Southborough Police are reaching out to our business community. The SPD is meeting with business owners and working to improve its support. As part of the effort, they are seeking information from business owners in town.
The SPD sent out “surveys” they have asked businesses to complete and return. The request is about more than getting feedback.
The department is seeking information on businesses’ emergency contacts and surveillance equipment. The form’s cover letter explains that an updated inventory on the surveillance equipment can help identify suspects in crimes at theirs and neighbors’ businesses.
The form also invites businesses to make service requests. Examples given were Crime Prevention Assessments, Traffic Improvements, Escorts, and Security Checks.
On Facebook, the SPD posted:
Over the past week, the SPD Business Resource Officers have started to meet with business owners throughout the Town of Southborough. An updated letter and survey sheet from the last contact project will be provided in an effort to obtain current information and feedback on improving our service to this segment of the community. If you are a Southborough business owner, and have already been contacted by one of our Business Resource Officers, we ask that you mail the completed form back to the Police Department located at 19 Main Street. If your establishment has not been contacted yet, please take a moment to download the form from our website at www.southboroughpd.com.
The participating Business Resource Officers include Kevin Landry and Jake Woodford (North Side of Town), Officers Tom Rock and Jim Gallagher (South Side of Town), and Officer Aaron Richardson (Turnpike Road area).
We look forward to working with our neighbors in the business community.
You can find a copy of the form on the SPD website or click here.