Above: The classic Star Wars film the Empire Strikes back will entertain kids who stay after the early dismissal bell on Trottier’s next half day.
In a couple of weeks, Trottier Middle Schoolers – and only the middle schoolers – will be dismissed early.* If you’re not crazy about the idea of your child taking the 11:30 am bus home that day, there’s an alternative.
Southborough Education Foundation is offering some mid-day fun. The event is timed to entertain until the regular end of the school day. And, yes, that means kids can take the regular 2:30 bus home!
On Tuesday, February 8th, from 11:30 – am to 2:20 pm, SEF will host a pizza party and matinee. For a donation of $20, students can participate.
The movie being screened is a timely throwback – The Empire Strikes Back. (Tweens/teens who are fans of The Last Jedi should notice a similar darkness in the second movie of the original trilogy.)
To sign kids up, open the registration form here. Please submit the permission slip and donation to the Trottier Front Office by Thursday, February 1st Wednesday, February 7th.
The fundraiser will support SEF’s grants for innovative programs that enhance the educational experience of students in the Southborough Public Schools. (To learn more about that, visit their website.)
*February 8th is a half day at Trottier to allow for Parent Teacher conferences. (Grades K-6 will have their early dismissal for teacher conferences on April 5th.)
Updated (1/25/18 11:32 am): I was asked to clarify that the buses will pick up participating students at Trottier.
Updated (2/5/18 8:30 am): The registration deadline was extended to this Wednesday.