Above: This week’s mild weather allowed contractors to spring into action and start rolling up the old turf at 9-11 field this week. (photo by Beth Melo)
After so many roadblocks, the big project to replace turf at 9-11 field started this week.

In my travels yesterday, I stumbled across the workers in action. I took a couple of pictures and planned to reach out to the Town for more details. But Daily News staff saved me the trouble by doing the work for me.
Southborough Wicked Local writes:
The town hopes to have youth sports back on the field by May 22, according to Doreen Ferguson, recreation director.
“They said as long as the weather cooperates they will be out there working,” she said.
The work is being done by R.A.D. Corp. of Rockland for about $689,000. Town Meeting approved $600,000 for the project in 2014, the rest is coming from the 9/11 Memorial Field revolving account.
Originally, the town thought the turf only needed to be replaced, but found out more work, including drainage, was necessary.
“Once they rip it up they’ll have a better idea of what it underneath there,” Ferguson said.
For more details, click here for the full article (and better pics).
Congratulations to everyone involved in the effort to make this project happen.