Above: A week from today, seniors are invited to learn about an easy to make breakfast that can be customized with all kinds of healthy (or not as healthy) toppings. (images cropped from pics posted to flickr L-R by Lablascovegmenu and StarsApart)
The Southborough Senior Center is holding another “Nutrition for Life” program. This time, the focus is teaching seniors about a “trendy” and easy to make ahead breakfast.

The center’s Registered Dietician Karen White will return to their kitchen for a Healthy Nutrition Demonstration. Seniors are invited to learn how it’s done, make their own jar, and enjoy it at home.
(It’s an overnight recipe – so you probably shouldn’t show up too hungry!)
The event is next Tuesday, March 13 at 11:30 am. In order to have enough mason jars on hand, participants are asked to sign up early.
To register, call 508-229-4453. The suggested donation for the program is $3 per person.
Updated (4/26/18 12:08 pm): The event was cancelled due to snow that day. A new date was just announced – Tuesday, May 15th.