This month, a free workshop at the Library will encourage residents to overcome their fears. On March 27th, participants will:
receive effective tools to bypass the inner critic and allow their authentic and most confident self to shine through.

According to the session’s instructor:
Despite popular belief, people’s top fear is NOT public speaking. That is a myth. For many people, the top fear is public judgment.
That statement is presumably rooted in her extensive experience working with wannabe speakers.
The session will be led by speaking coach Mary Cheyne:
Cheyne was runner-up at the 2009 Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, featuring 25,000 contestants from 14 countries. She has trained more than 15,000 people in over 25 cities and coached hundreds of individuals on how to communicate clearly & authentically.
The local chapter of Toastmasters is bringing in Chyene to run the free workshop “‘Present’ Yourself In Public Speaking”. It will be based on Cheyne’s book subtitled “Tell Your Inner Critic to SHUT UP! And the Real You to SPEAK UP!”
Whether you need to speak before a large group, chair a meeting, or speak for an issue or cause, feeling more comfortable speaking will give you the power to get your point across and persuade your audience. Come get a boost of speaking confidence at this workshop.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, March 27 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the Southborough Library in the Eaton Meeting Room. Pre-registration is required. To sign up, visit:
The Lake Williams Wordsmiths Toastmasters Club, sponsors of the event, hope participants will be inspired to join their regular meetings. Members focus on helping each other improve their speaking skills in a variety of situations. They meet at the Library every Monday 12-1 pm and the 4th Tuesday (instead of the Monday before) from 6:30-8:00 pm. (You can learn more about them at the same website.)