Above: The Southborough Senior Center isn’t trying to scam you. They’re sharing a warning about a letter someone else sent from “The Senior Center”.
The Southborough Senior Center asked me to share news about a letter they didn’t send. The Center warns:
Recently Seniors in town have received a survey and donation solicitation in the mail from “The Senior Center” Worcester County, Social Security Survey.
This is NOT from the Southborough Senior Center. There is no current mailing from The Friends of the Southborough Seniors being done at this time.
Please never provide any personal information to anyone contacting you by mail, phone, or internet unless you have verified the source or sender, even if it looks official as this mailing does.
If you have any questions about the Southborough Senior Center, Southborough Council on Aging, or donating to the Friends of the Southborough Council on Aging please call us at 508-229-4452.
Updated (4/3/18 10:18 am): I got a bit more information on the mailer. It is possible that the “scammer” is an organization using unsavory, but legal, marketing practices. Senior Center Director Pam LeFrancois tells me that the organization is listed as “The Seniors Center” with a PO box in Washington, DC:
The survey form looks like a blue and white government form. In very fine print on the back page it says it’s a national non-profit which does not have local affiliate branches in any state, county, city, or local community.