Above: A reception will launch the Art in Bloom exhibit Thursday night. This year, Southborough Gardeners is teaming up with younger artists. (image cropped from Southborough Library’s Facebook page in 2016)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For those listings and more, check the Event Calendar.]
Monday, April 9, 2018
- Annual Town Meeting (7:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School Auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd: Voters act as the legislative branch of Southborough Town Government through Annual and Special Town Meetings. The principal business of the ATM is to appropriate money to fund the Town’s expenses for the fiscal year that starts the following July 1. Voters may act on other issues as well such as zoning. For details on this year’s meeting and issues, see dedicated post.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
- Adult Coloring (Senior Center Program) (1:00 – 2:00 pm) @ The Southborough Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Rd: Come enjoy a stress free activity that relaxes the brain and allows your mind to get the rest it needs. Adult Coloring Books will make your life a whole lot brighter. All supplies will be supplied by the senior center.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
- Hike (Senior Center Program) (9:30 – 11:30 am) @ meet at the Senior Center: Hike about 2 miles on the Bay Circuit Trail the next North section. Please sign up for these outdoor activities by calling 508-229-4453. For more details see Trailblazers program flyer.
- Art in Bloom opening reception (5:30 – 8:30 pm) @ Library Main Floor: Opening of the exhibit “Art in Bloom.” The exhibition pairs students’ artwork with floral interpretations by members of the Southborough Gardeners. Light refreshments will be served. This year’s featured art is by Neary and Trottier students. For details, see dedicated post.
Friday, April 13, 2018
- Movie matinee (Senior Center program) (12:00 – 1:45 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Free screening of The Mountain Between Us. (PG-13 film about two strangers stranded on a mountain after a plane crash.) The room opens at 11:15 for lunch. You can bring your own or for suggested donation of $3 get the Cafe lunch (Stew & Corn Bread, dessert, and a drink). If you plan to purchase lunch, pre-register by calling 508-229-4453.