Above: Nancy Gould is again running in support of the institute that once cared for her mother and continues to offer care and hope to cancer patients today. (image left from fundraising page, right contributed)
Southborough resident, and four time Boston Marathon runner, Nancy Gould will be hitting the road again on Monday.
As in past years, Nancy is running in the memory of the mother she lost to pancreatic cancer 13 years ago. But this year, she is also running on behalf of a patient partner.
Gould is again supporting the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute which she credits for the many years they had with her mother after her diagnosis. Dana-Farber partnered her up with a special patient, a young girl named Malia.
According to Gould, Malia had to fight neuroblastoma when she was just two and a half years old. She has now been NED (No Evidence of Disease) for almost six years.
On her fundraising page, Gould writes:
I am so fortunate to be running my fifth Boston Marathon for Dana-Farber! As always, I am so grateful to be able to support this amazing organization and feel like I am being part of the solution. . .
Thank you for your support! Together, we’re headed toward the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer.
To support Nancy’s cause, click here for her fundraising page.
Reminder – If you are a Southborough resident running in the Marathon for a cause this year, drop me a line. I’m trying to share fundraising stories with readers this week. Email mysouthborough@gmail.com with your cause and a fundraising link.