Candidate’s Letter: Brian Shea for re-election as Selectman

[Ed note: On May 8th, residents will vote to appoint candidates to five contested seats on three important boards. To help you make that decision, I have invited each of them to submit a letter to readers.]

To the Editor:

Thank you for the service that you provide to our community through this website, and also for the opportunity to submit this letter to offer my thoughts to the Town’s voters.

Three years ago I ran for Selectman in part due to a sense of frustration that implementing changes to make a positive change to our Town were not being addressed, and too often the “can was kicked down the road” to deal with later. I promised an analytical thought process and an ability to consider all issues brought forth, to make a fair and reasoned recommendation to make change happen. Those talents, combined with a strong ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively to achieve consensus have contributed to significant advancements that our town has made in the three years I have been on the Board. My main reason for running is to continue those advancements and see them through to completion.

Cooperation and collaboration are not just buzz words; they are documented by roles that I played in the significant achievements our Town has made over the past three years. In light of misinformation on the Main Street meeting, our Board, the Main Street Working Group, and many other interested citizens conducted numerous public information meetings, spent countless hours at the Transfer Station engaging people in conversation about the merits and the facts of the project. That collaboration resulted in a Special Town Meeting, attended by over 700, and a positive vote on the issue by over 70%.

I joined Mr. Rooney as the individuals appointed by the Board of Selectmen to represent the Board in negotiations with St. Mark’s School on the Town’s acquisition of the Golf Course Property. Admittedly my opinion changed on what should happen with the portion of the land outside of the public safety complex in the event golf should not continue. My change in opinion came after attending many meetings with abutters to the property, and those discussions led to the inclusion of a Conservation Restriction in the amended article at the Special Town Meeting. That meeting was attended by over 600 residents, and culminated in a historic 92% vote in favor. I am committed to making golf a success in Town, and take great pride in the steps we have all taken to secure this resource for the Town. 

I have not done this alone, but in my role on the Board, I played a significant part. I credit our Board’s ability to work together positively on these major issues. Our Board and our Town as a whole have benefited from citizen volunteers who have stepped up and worked tirelessly on Committees our Board has formed. Without the contributions of the citizen volunteers, the major achievements we have made would not have been possible. To all who have stepped up to play a role in the achievements over the past three years, I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation.

The achievements we have made the past three years have been made with a Board that has worked well as a team. One individual Selectman can’t do it on his/her own. I fit well into the Board when I first joined, and I continue to play a key role on the Board currently. I am confident that I am the better choice to keep the teamwork moving forward in a positive manner.

A long standing family commitment will prevent me from being in Town this coming weekend. I will miss this final opportunity to meet with you at the Transfer Station and other places around Town before the election; but as with all things, family comes first.

After time spent reaching out during these past few weeks, Election Day is now fast approaching. I would be honored to have your vote for Selectman on Tuesday May 8. Please feel welcome to contact me directly with comments, questions, or ideas at


Brian Shea

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