Candidate’s Letter: Kim Regan for Library Trustee

[Ed note: On May 8th, residents will vote to appoint candidates to five contested seats on three important boards. To help you make that decision, I have invited each of them to submit a letter to readers.]

To the Editor:

My name is Kim Regan, and I am running for Library Trustee. I have been a resident of Southborough since 2010, and my husband and I have three children who attend the public elementary schools.

I am running for Library Trustee because I think it is a meaningful way for me to contribute and give back to our town, which has been an outstanding place for us to raise our family. We are frequent users of the library. We make use of the physical and digital collection of materials and participate in the many programs offered, from the school-aged book clubs to the drop-in crafts and special events.

I feel fortunate that my kids have benefited from growing up in the Children’s Room of this library, and I would like the opportunity to advocate for the library to continue to serve our town into the future. I am passionate about raising my daughters to be avid readers and lifelong learners, and I believe a strong and well-supported library is key in helping to achieve that, and important for all community members as well.

If elected, I plan to leverage my volunteer experience, work experience, and love of our library in the role of Library Trustee. I am a volunteer library assistant in my daughters’ school library classes, and this is a role I’ve enjoyed for the last three years at either Finn, Woodward, Neary or any combination of those schools, depending on the year. Since last fall, I’ve had the pleasure of serving as a member of the Southborough Cultural Arts Council.

I am a digital marketing freelancer. I previously worked for over 16 years for a division of a large publishing company that produced digital products for parents, teachers, and kids. For eight of those years, I served as the Marketing Director and was part of a senior management team, where I gained experience with strategic planning, budget management, developing teams, and managing resources. 

I support the library’s vision to be the cultural, educational, and social center for our town. I see tremendous value in maintaining the library as a strong, vibrant, and accessible resource, and gathering place for community members of all ages. I feel it is important to assess the needs of our community as it changes over time and be aware of our strengths and limitations. This will allow us to actively seek ways to adapt and grow to meet the needs of our library users.

I would consider it an honor to support and advocate for the library as a Trustee, and respectfully ask for your vote on May 8th. Thank you for your consideration!

Kind Regards,

Kimberly Regan
Candidate for Library Trustee

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