Public Safety Building breaking ground – Today

Above: A ground breaking ceremony this afternoon will kick off construction of the new Public Safety Complex. (image left cropped from pic posted to flickr by Marcie Casas; right from PSBC materials)

Town officials targeted having shovels in the ground this spring for Southborough’s two major construction projects. For the Public Safety Building, it appears that today’s the day.

The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for 4:00 pm today at The Southborough Golf Club (a.k.a. St. Mark’s Golf Course), 32 Cordaville Road.

The Town is planning a “short program. . . followed by light refreshments”. The public is welcome.

Groundbreaking flyer public safety complex
(click to enlarge)

I’ve been told that if the golf course parking lot fills up, residents are encouraged to park at the cemetery across the street and cross over.

(I assume that if that’s necessary, at least one of the police officers sure to be in attendance will help make the crossing safe!)

Anyone with questions can contact the selectmen’s office at 508-485-0710 or via e-mail at

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I'm just sayin'
6 years ago

Jeez, if I had known about this sooner, I would have loved to attend :-/ Besides for being posted on this blog at 5:43am the day of (I usually do not check the blog during the day, I only have time to read it at night when the email notification comes) was it announced or advertised anywhere else?

Mark Ford
6 years ago

Please cut Beth a break! It’s a volunteer blog…she’s not obligated to post meetings or anything else, for that matter. Be mindful of this–it’s a subjective service, not an e-Town Bulletin Board.

I don’t even know if we have an e-Town Bulletin Board.

Anita Reeder
6 years ago
Reply to  Mark Ford

Oh dear, I was in NO way criticizing Beth!!! More the fact that there was NO advance notice from the town…they expect us to pay for all this, but don’t want us involved, apparently:-( I am very sorry my comments were misinterpreted… I fhought I had been clear about that when asking if the town had posted or announced anywhere else…perhaps people who comment or ask questions in a nice way should be given the benefit of the doubt?

I was NOT criticizing Beth. I don’t tweet, do Facebook or any other social media and I appreciate Beth hosting this blog, it is the only place where I can get information about what’s going on in town. Perhaps the town should have ebulletin board of some sort but until they decide to do that I will continue to depend on Beth to get the word out as soon as she knows it, which she does very well.

Louise Barron
6 years ago

This is the “town of secrets”. Secret meetings in secret places. Secret agendas. Closed public hearings when they should be open. Welcome to Sobo. A little town with presumably deep pockets. All we should be buying is beer. No, only French Champagne for the likes of Sobo. Really folks we’re broke.

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