Above: SOLF’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday will include a talk on supporting native pollinators like hummingbirds and bees (images from flickr, left by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Northeast Region and right by Eric Kilby)
Southborough Open Land Foundation’s Annual Meeting is next week. As is their tradition, it will include a guest presenter, awards, and light refreshments. This year, the special presentation will focus on “New England Pollinators and How to Support Them”.
The event takes place on Wednesday, May 9th at 7:00 pm a the Community House at 28 Main Street. The event is free and the public is welcome to join them.
The night’s event includes the annual presenting of the Elaine Beals Conservation Award to a local resident. This year, they will also recognize two teens for their outstanding efforts in organizing Southborough Trails Day: Shannon Provencal and Kathryn Gowdy.
The pollinator presentation will be given at 7:30 pm by Dr. Martha Gach, a Conservation Coordinator at Mass Audubon / Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and Conservation Center.
Learn about hummingbirds and the many types of native bees and butterflies in their role as pollinators and what you can do to help them thrive in Southborough.
SOLF will also present the annual Elaine Beals Conservation Award to a local resident, as well as
For more information about SOLF or the event, visit www.solf.org.