Next week, the Southborough Library is hosting a special gardening program. Experts from Blackstone Valley Veggie Gardens will be teaching how to garden using organic methods:
“Bugs taking over your life? Weary of spraying the wrong stuff on your food? We’ll help take all the guess work out of everything!”
BVVG’s lecture series on gardening topics have proven popular at other libraries. “The Organic Approach” is their newest session. On their website, the gardening experts pitch:
Join us for the initial rollout of this new lecture! We’ll talk about organic pest management, as well as other organic methods that will help your garden produce to it’s potential.
And, on Facebook, they invite:
Learn how to feed your garden without chemical fertilizers. Learn how to keep away the insects and pests without chemicals. Learn about organic soil amendments and how to make them from scratch!
The program is sponsored by The Friends of the Southborough Library. It takes place on Wednesday, June 13th at 7:00 pm. No registration required.
Updated (5/24/21 8:55 am): I was alerted about a purported copyright issue on another post where I used images from the BVVG Facebook posts. To ensure there aren’t any issues here, I removed the photos initially posted to illustrate each workshop.
I highly recommend this. I went to one of their presentations at the Westborough Library and it was great. I am looking forward to this. I thank The Friends of the Southborough Library for bringing this to Southborough.