Above: An American flag is placed on the fire at the annual flag retirement ceremony
Every year on or about Flag Day, Veterans of Southborough’s VFW and American Legion posts hold a flag retirement ceremony. During the ceremony, worn flags collected from residents, as well as ones from the cemetery that were replaced this past Memorial Day, will be retired by ritual burning.
The ceremony this year will be held this Thursday, June 14 at the DPW. American Legion Commander Steve Whynot announced:
Veterans of VFW Post 3276 and American Legion Post 161 will be conducting our annual Flag Retirement Ceremony.
Residents who have old – worn – torn or unserviceable Flags – are welcomed to drop them off at the Flag Collection box at the Transfer Station – Located on the west side of the Control Booth. They can also bring them to the Retirement Ceremony that evening and join us as we retire the flags collected from the Rural Cemetery recently and over the past year, by a respectful ceremonial burning.
For further information – Contact Steve Whynot @ sk1_whynot@hotmail.com.