Above: The kickoff of pajama story times is a signal that summer is here. (image cropped from Facebook)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week. (It’s a pretty quiet one.)
[Note: The highlights don’t include ongoing weekly programs. For those listings and more, check the Event Calendar.]
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
- Senior Issue Liaison for US Congress Rep (11:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Residents are invited to join Jay Higgins, Senior Issue Liaison for US Congresswoman Katherine Clark, to discuss senior benefits or policy matters for one hour each month.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Welcome to Summer (Southborough Senior Center program) (12:30 – 1:30 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: As of Monday morning, there’s still room to sign up for the Senior center’s summer kickoff with DJ John Guido. Register by calling 508-229-4453. Suggested Donation: $6 per Friends of COA member and $10 per non-member. Click on the flyer right for more details.
- Pajama Story time (7:00 pm) @ Southborough Library: Bring a blanket and listen to stories outside on the lawn – weather permitting. (In the case of inclement weather, story time will be held in the Children’s Room).
- Friends of the Southborough Library Annual Meeting (7:30 pm) @ Southborough Library: Annual election of officers and other business. A good time to re-up your membership
Thursday, June 21, 2018
- Corridor Nine’s Golf Tournament (8:00 am – 3:30 pm) @ Juniper Hill Golf Course, Northborough: Annual tournament benefits business chamber offerings and scholarships to Southborough, Northborough, Westborough, and Shrewsbury. For detailse, see dedicated post.
- Bay Circuit Trail (1:00 – 3:00 pm) @ meet at the Southborough Senior Center: A program of the Trailblazers for active seniors. Carpool to the next section of trail. (This is one of a series of hikes on the trail for the group.) Carl Guyer will lead the hike. For details, see dedicated post.
Friday, June 22, 2018
- Notch Traveling Biergarten at Chestnut Hill Farm (4:00 – 9:00 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm: The Trustees of Reservations partnered with Notch Brewing to bring this family-friendly, outdoor ‘biergarten’ (or beer garden) experience to the farm this weekend. Each biergarten will present activities, food, refreshments, and entertainment, and will highlight the location’s unique character, history, and natural wonders. Admission is free. For more details, click here. (And stay tuned for a dedicated post.)
Saturday, June 23, 2018
- Notch Traveling Biergarten at Chestnut Hill Farm (12:00 – 9:00 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm: The Trustees of Reservations partnered with Notch Brewing to bring this family-friendly, outdoor ‘biergarten’ (or beer garden) experience to the farm this weekend. Each biergarten will present activities, food, refreshments, and entertainment, and will highlight the location’s unique character, history, and natural wonders. Admission is free. For more details, click here. (And stay tuned for a dedicated post.)
- Police Workshop on Active Armed Intruder situation (2:00 – 3:30 pm) @ Trottier Middle School: A free workshop for residents on techniques for personal safety involving an Active Armed Intruder. Officer Kevin Landry will cover situational awareness in public and private spaces, responses for dangerous situations, and advice on how to best respond immediately. Free childcare is available for the session. For details, see related post.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
- Notch Traveling Biergarten at Chestnut Hill Farm (12:00 – 6:00 pm) @ Chestnut Hill Farm: The Trustees of Reservations partnered with Notch Brewing to bring this family-friendly, outdoor ‘biergarten’ (or beer garden) experience to the farm this weekend. Each biergarten will present activities, food, refreshments, and entertainment, and will highlight the location’s unique character, history, and natural wonders. Admission is free. For more details, click here. (And stay tuned for a dedicated post.)
Updated (6/18/18 10:15 am): Added the Corridor Nine golf tournament and Friends of the Library meeting.
Updated (6/19/18 3:50 pm): I forgot to lis the Police Workshop this weekend.