Above: Come on out to learn or hone your basic Chess skills at the Library, starting next month. (image posted to flickr by Jo)
The Southborough Library is launching “Saturday Chess” for beginners. The bi-weekly gatherings are for those interested in learning beginner chess skills. It’s geared for ages 12 and up.
At the afternoon sessions, participants will learn and practice basic skills. They’ll then be invited to test out their new skills at tournaments.

The first gathering takes place on September 8th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the downstairs Eaton Meeting room. Follow up sessions this fall are on September 22, October 6 & 20, and November 3rd. The first tournament will take place on November 17th.
Originally, the Library posted a request for chess set donations. But the Roumiantsev family heard and answered the call. Thanks to their donation, that’s no longer necessary.
(But, anyone interested in supporting these events is welcome to donate an “allergy-free snack”.)
If you have any questions, contact Assistant Director & YA Librarian Aileen Sanchez-Himes at asanchez@southboroughma.com or 508-485-5031.