Two years ago, Loius J Prosperi spoke at the Southborough Library about “Imagineering”. The author explained how the methods behind Disney’s successful theme parks can be harnessed in our own lives.
At the time he had recently published “The Imagineering Pyramid”. Now the author has come out with a second book on the concept, “The Imagineering Process”.
The Library promotes Prosperi’s return to the Library next week:
When we think of Imagineering, we think of Disney theme parks. But Imagineering is a creative process that can be used for nearly any project, once you know how it works. Lou Prosperi distills years of research into a practical how-to guide for budding “Imagineers” everywhere.
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The Imagineering Process is a revolutionary creative methodology that anyone can use in their daily lives, whether at home or on the job. Prosperi will teach you first how the Disney uses the Imagineering Process to build theme parks and attractions, and then he’ll show you how to apply it to your own projects.
The website describes the book as a “Master Class”. Readers will learn:
how to begin as the Imagineers begin, with an evaluation of needs, requirements, and constraints, and then you’ll delve into the six stages of the Imagineering Process: blue sky, concept development, design, construction, models, and the “epilogue,” where you hold your “grand opening” and assess the effectiveness of what you’ve built.
The Author Night is this Thursday, September 13 at 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the upper, main level. The event is open to the public, no registration required.
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Georgette Prosperi
6 years ago
The author, Louis Prosperi was born, raised and educated right here in Southborough.
Just thought you would like to know that.
The author, Louis Prosperi was born, raised and educated right here in Southborough.
Just thought you would like to know that.
That is good to know.