The week in government: Public Safety Building Committee and School Committee tonight by Beth Melo on October 10, 2018
Events this week: Walk to school, Student Support, Cook Book Club, Composting (Updated) by Beth Melo on October 9, 2018
Weekend at a glance: Farmer’s Market, HarvestFest, Pumpkin Stroll and Heritage Day festivities by Beth Melo on October 5, 2018
Historical Society making most of Heritage Day: Game with $250 prize, Burial Ground tour, and new museum exhibits by Beth Melo on October 5, 2018
Heritage Day parade: Info for marchers, organizers, and parents (plus Commuters) by Beth Melo on October 5, 2018
Town to better promote sale of Fayville Hall with release of updated RFP by Beth Melo on October 5, 2018
Putting for Purple: 5th annual “Fun-raiser” for Epilepsy – October 14 by Beth Melo on October 5, 2018
Breast Cancer Awareness: Volleyball Digs Pink; SPD sporting & selling Pink Patches by Beth Melo on October 4, 2018