Above: NS lacrosse players in action. Registration for spring is ending soon for Grades 1-8. (L-R images cropped from contributed pic by NSYL and post by Elizabeth B. on nsgl.org)
Northborough-Southborough Lacrosse teams registration periods opened at the start of the month. That means the deadlines are rapidly approaching. The sport is open to boys and girls in both towns in grades 1 through 8.
Below is the info for the Boys and Girls leagues.
Both organizations say that they strive to accept every player, but are sometimes limited by the number of coaches that volunteer. Head coaches need to know their stuff, but the leagues are happy to train assistant coaches.
Boys – Northborough-Southborough Youth Lacrosse
NSYL held an info night that I missed sharing. But you can take a look at the presentation from it here. That league appears to have a firm cutoff this Sunday, December 2nd.
The season starts with indoor practices in early March. Games are on Sundays with practices varying by grades. You can find more info on that under the website FAQs.
For more details, check out their flyer right. For further info and to register, visit nsyla.org.
Girls – Northborough-Southborough Girls Lacrosse
For NSGL, there’s a bit more leeway for registering. The regular deadline is December 15th. After that, you can sign up until January 10th, but with a late fee. (And I’d assume that earlier registrants will be prioritized if they have to limit teams.)
The spring season begins for 3rd-8th graders with practices in mid-March and 1st/2nd-Graders in early April. It generally runs through mid-June.
Games take place on Sundays. The practice nights are noted by age group on the flyer right. (And how many sports offer the practice schedule before you register? Kudos to NSGL!)
For more information, check out the flyer above right. For further details, visit their website, nsgl.org. It has a FAQ page that should answer most questions.